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89 Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank

Here are the 89 Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank.

What is Shark Tank?

  • Shark Tank: A television show where entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to a panel of investors, known as “sharks”, in the hopes of securing funding.

What is Pitch in Shark Tank?

  • Pitch: A presentation in which an entrepreneur explains their business idea to the sharks.


  • Equity: Ownership in a company, typically represented by shares of stock.

What Is Valuation?

  • Valuation: The estimated worth of a company or business idea. It is among the Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank.

What Is an Investor?

  • Investor: A person or entity that provides funding to a business in exchange for ownership or a return on investment.

How to Become an Entrepreneur

  • Entrepreneur: Someone who starts a new business venture, often taking on financial risk in the hopes of achieving success.

What is ROI and how do you calculate it?

  • ROI: Return on Investment. The amount of money an investor makes on their investment relative to the amount of money they put in.

How Does An Equity Stake In A Startup Work

  • Equity Stake: The percentage of ownership in a company that an investor receives in exchange for their investment.

What a Sale Is, How It Works?

  • Sales: The total amount of revenue generated by a business from selling its products or services. It is the Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank.

Gross Margin: Definition and How to Calculate

  • Gross Margin: The percentage of revenue that a business keeps after deducting the cost of goods sold.

What Is Cash Flow?

  • Cash Flow: The amount of cash coming in and going out of a business.

What is Licensing?

  • Licensing: An agreement in which a company grants another company the right to use its intellectual property, such as a trademark or patent, in exchange for a fee.

What Is Intellectual Property and Why Does It Matter?

  • Intellectual Property: The legal rights to intangible assets such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

What is Manufacturing?

  • Manufacturing: The process of producing goods, typically in a factory setting.

What is Prototype?

  • Prototype: A preliminary model or version of a product, used for testing and evaluation.

Business Plan: What It Is, What's Included

  • Business Plan: A written document that outlines a company’s goals, strategies, and financial projections.

What is Distribution?

  • Distribution: The process of getting a product from the manufacturer to the consumer. It is among the Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank.

Reasons You Need a Patent

  • Patent: A legal document that grants the inventor exclusive rights to use, manufacture, and sell an invention for a certain period of time.

What is Trademark and Types of Trademarks in India?

  • Trademark: A symbol, word, or phrase that distinguishes a company’s products from those of its competitors.

Market Research: What it Is, Methods, Types & Examples

  • Market Research: The process of gathering and analyzing information about a market, including consumer preferences and trends.

The Importance of Branding to Your Business

  • Branding: The process of creating a unique name and image for a product or company.

Understanding E-commerce in India

  • E-commerce: The buying and selling of goods and services online.

Understanding Crowdfunding From an Indian Perspective

  • Crowdfunding: The practice of funding a project or venture by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.

What Is Marketing?

  • Marketing: The process of promoting and selling products or services.

Target market: how to define it with examples

  • Target Market: The specific group of consumers that a product or service is intended for. It is among the Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank.

Due Diligence Process

  • Due Diligence: The process of investigating and verifying the claims made by a company or entrepreneur.

What is Equity Financing?

  • Equity Financing: The process of raising capital by selling shares of ownership in a company.

Angel Investor Definition and How It Works

  • Angel Investor: An individual who provides capital to a startup in exchange for ownership or a return on investment.

Venture Capitalists Definition

  • Venture Capitalist: A professional investor who provides capital to startups in exchange for equity stakes.

Return on Investment (ROI)

  • Return on Investment: The amount of money an investor earns relative to the amount of money they put in. It is among the Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank

What is Net Profit Margin?

  • Net Profit: The amount of revenue a company earns after deducting all expenses.

What does patent pending mean?

  • Patent Pending: A term used to indicate that a patent application has been filed but not yet granted.

What Is a Royalty? How Payments Work and Types of Royalties

  • Royalty: A percentage of revenue paid to the owner of a patent or other intellectual property in exchange for the right to use it. It is among the Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank.

What is Non-Disclosure Agreement?

  • Non-Disclosure Agreement: A legal agreement in which two parties agree not to disclose confidential information.

What Is a Distribution Channel in Business

  • Distribution Channel: The path that a product takes from the manufacturer to the consumer. It is among the Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank.

What is Equity Crowdfunding and How it Works?

  • Equity Crowdfunding: A type of crowdfunding where investors receive equity in the company in exchange for their investment.

The Importance Of Scalability

  • Scalability: The ability of a business to grow and expand rapidly without encountering significant barriers.

What is Proof of Concept and when does your business need one?

  • Proof of Concept: Evidence that a product or business idea can work in practice, typically demonstrated through a prototype or pilot project.

Startup exit strategy - Everything you need to know

  • Exit Strategy: A plan for how investors will eventually sell or divest their stake in a company, typically through an IPO or acquisition. It is among the Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank.

How to Avoid Intellectual Property Infringement?

  • Intellectual Property Infringement: The unauthorized use or reproduction of intellectual property belonging to another party.

What Are Patent Trolls?

  • Patent Troll: A person or company that acquires patents to make money through litigation or licensing fees.

What is competitive advantage?

  • Competitive Advantage: A factor that gives a company an edge over its competitors, such as lower costs, better technology, or stronger brand recognition.

What are sweat equity shares?

  • Sweat Equity: The value of work or services contributed by a company’s founders or employees instead of financial investment.

What is Pivoting?

  • Pivoting: The process of changing a business strategy or direction in response to new information or market conditions. It is among the Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank.

What is Debt Financing?

  • Debt Financing: The process of raising capital by borrowing money, typically through loans or lines of credit.

What is Intellectual Property Assignment?

  • Intellectual Property Assignment: The transfer of intellectual property ownership from one party to another, typically through a legal agreement.

The Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

  • Minimum Viable Product: The simplest version of a product that can be created to test its viability in the market.

What is customer acquisition cost (CAC)?

  • Customer Acquisition Cost: The cost of acquiring a new customer, typically calculated by dividing marketing and sales expenses by the number of new customers. It is among the Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank.

What is Dilution in Business?

  • Dilution: The reduction of an investor’s equity stake in a company as a result of additional funding rounds or the issuance of new shares.

Gross Sales: What It Is, How To Calculate It?

  • Gross Sales: The total revenue a business earns from product or service sales before any deductions are made.

How to Add Defensibility to Your Marketing

  • Defensibility: The ability of a company to maintain a competitive advantage and defend against competition over time.

What is Intellectual Property Portfolio?

  • Intellectual Property Portfolio: A collection of intellectual property assets, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights, owned by a company.

Pre-Money Valuation: How to Calculate It

  • Pre-Money Valuation: The estimated value of a company before any investments are made. It is among the Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank.

Understanding Your Breakeven Point

  • Break-Even Point: The point at which a company’s revenue equals its expenses, resulting in zero profit.

What is a Social Enterprise?

  • Social Enterprise: A business that prioritizes social and environmental goals, in addition to financial goals.

What's a Subscription Business Model & How Does It Work?

  • Subscription Model: A business model in which customers pay a recurring fee to access a product or service. It is among the Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank.

What Is A Lead Investor? - Importance & Role

  • Lead Investor: The main investor in a funding round, who often takes a leadership role in managing the investment.

Bridge Financing Explained

  • Bridge Financing: A short-term loan or investment used to bridge the gap between funding rounds.

What is Niche Market?

  • Niche Market: A small, specialized market segment with unique needs or preferences.

What to look for in a term sheet?

  • Term Sheet: A preliminary agreement outlining the terms of a potential investment.

What is Intellectual Property Licensing?

  • Intellectual Property Licensing: The process of granting another party the right to use intellectual property in exchange for a fee.

What does patent pending mean?

  • Patent Pending: A term used to indicate that a patent application has been filed but not yet granted.

What is Board of Advisors?

  • Board of Advisors: A group of external experts who provide guidance and advice to a company’s management team. It is among the Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank.


  • Founder’s Agreement: A legal agreement between co-founders that outlines ownership, responsibilities, and other key terms. It is among the Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank.

How to Do a Competitive Landscape Analysis?

  • Competitive Landscape: The overall competitive environment in which a company operates, including its competitors, market trends, and other factors.

What is customer lifetime value and how can you improve it?

  • Customer Lifetime Value: The total amount of revenue that a customer is expected to generate for a company throughout their relationship. It is among the Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank.

What Is Market Share?

  • Market Share: The percentage of total market sales that a company captures.

What is Equity Vesting?

  • Equity Vesting: The process by which an employee or founder’s equity stake in a company is earned over time, typically based on a vesting schedule.

Cap Tables Explained

  • Cap Table: A spreadsheet that outlines the ownership structure of a company, including equity stakes, investor contributions, and other key details.

What is Intellectual Property Due Diligence?

  • Intellectual Property Due Diligence: A process of evaluating a company’s intellectual property assets and their legal protections, typically done before an investment or acquisition.

What Is An Operating Agreement?
  • Operating Agreement: A legal agreement that outlines the management structure, ownership, and other key terms of a business entity. It is among the Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank.

Revenue Model Types

  • Revenue Model: A description of how a company generates revenue, including pricing strategies and revenue streams.

What is the Value Proposition?

  • Value Proposition: A statement describing the unique benefits that a product or service offers to customers. It is among the Most Common Terms Used in Shark Tank.

What Is Term Loan?

  • Term Loan: A type of loan that is repaid over a fixed term, typically with a fixed interest rate.

Who Is Angel Investor & How Does Angel Investing Work?

  • Angel Investor: A high-net-worth individual who invests in startups or early-stage companies, often in exchange for equity.

How Market Segments Work

  • Market Segmentation: The process of dividing a market into smaller, distinct groups based on demographic, geographic, or other factors.

What is Proof of Revenue?

  • Proof of Revenue: Evidence that a business is generating revenue, often demonstrated through financial statements or other documentation.

What is Intellectual Property Audit?

  • Intellectual Property Audit: A process of reviewing a company’s intellectual property assets and identifying any potential legal issues or gaps in protection.

What are the Stages Of A Sales Funnel?

  • Sales Funnel: A visual representation of the sales process, from lead generation to closing a sale.

What is Liquidation preference & Why it's Important

  • Liquidation Preference: A clause in an investment agreement that determines the order in which investors are repaid in the event of a liquidation or exit.

Due Diligence Meaning

  • Due Diligence: A process of evaluating a company’s financial and operational performance, as well as any potential legal or regulatory issues, before making an investment or acquisition.

What is Market Size? How to Calculate?

  • Market Size: The total addressable market for a product or service, typically measured in terms of revenue or number of customers.

Burn rate: What is it, why does it matter

  • Burn Rate: The rate at which a company is spending its cash reserves, typically calculated every month.

What is Product-Market Fit?

  • Product-Market Fit: The degree to which a product or service meets the needs and preferences of a particular market segment.

Gross Margin Definition

  • Gross Margin: The difference between a company’s revenue and the cost of goods sold, expressed as a percentage of revenue.

What is Cash Runway?

  • Runway: The amount of time that a company’s cash reserves will last at its current burn rate.

Pro Forma: What It Means and How to Create Pro Forma Financial Statements

  • Pro Forma Financials: Financial statements that project a company’s future performance, based on assumptions and estimates.

Strategic Partnership: How They Work in Business

  • Strategic Partnership: A relationship between two or more companies that work together to achieve mutual business goals.

What is Intellectual Property Strategy?

  • Intellectual Property Strategy: A plan for how a company will create, protect, and leverage its intellectual property assets.

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